
At Oak Lodge Residential Care Home we provide comfortable and spacious accommodation. Our accommodation consists of:
- 33 bedrooms and 5 premier rooms.
- Majority of rooms with en-suite facilities.
- 4 lounges designed to accommodate all residents' needs.
- 2 dining rooms.
- Large flat screen digital television in the main lounge and TV points in each bedroom.
- Small library with some large print books and regular visits from the mobile library.
- Computer facilities.
- Large paved patio area and garden at the rear of the house.
We encourage residents to bring small items of furniture into the Home to personalise their rooms.
Service users have a choice of one of 33 well-appointed bedrooms. Many have en-suite washing and/or toilet facilities. There are five premier rooms which were recently added to take the registration to 36 beds. We keep the rooms well lit, clutter free yet practical and comfortable. Over 90% of our facility is single rooms of which 57% are fully en-suite, the others have bathing and toilet facilities in very close proximity and all rooms have washing facility. En-suite shower facilities to 8 rooms have been fully re-furbished during second half of 2015.
You may have the furniture arranged as you wish and you are welcome to bring some of your own furniture e.g. desk, chair, pictures etc., as long as they comply with fire and safety regulations.
There are three large bathrooms for use by the service users and hydraulic bath hoists are provided in two of these bathrooms. All bedrooms are furnished, decorated and maintained to a high standard, and service users may bring in their favourite items as far as space permits. There are four lounges, one quiet lounge, and two dining rooms within the home. A large flat screen digital television is provided in the main lounge and there are digital television points in all bedrooms as Service Users may bring in their own televisions for use in their own rooms. We provide a small "library" of books, many with large print, and we have a mobile library that visits regularly. We also have a small video library. Computer facilities are provided in the quiet room for the service users.
At the rear there is a large paved patio area and a stone-laid path through the garden. The Home’s environment is clean, warm, comfortable and furnished to a high standard and an ongoing improvement plan in place, with the needs of the service users in mind.
We provide our domestic and care staff with all means to maintain a very clean and hygienic environment, with specific stress on infection control. Cleaning plans and rotas are put into place and are adhered to closely.
Choosing Oak Lodge
Once the Service User chooses to be part of the family at Oak Lodge, those referred by Social Services undergo an an assessment conducted by both the Social Services and our qualified representative. For private users, the assessment is carried out by our representative alone. Prior to admission, the Manager or a senior carer will meet the client, whether it is at Oak Lodge or in his/her own home to ensure that we can meet his/her needs. At this assessment we will discuss concerns and answer any questions.
The Manager will also provide and obtain from the resident information regarding finances related to fees and other chargeable items.
On admission, each Service User has a plan of care drawn up with assistance from the Service User, social worker, GP, family/friend, and the key worker. The key worker/manager will review this plan monthly, and more often if so required. The Social Services placement officer also reviews the plan annually. A detailed ‘Risk’ and ‘Needs’ assessment is conducted for each service user on regular basis to assist in individual care. Continuing assessments together with professional opinions are used to meet the individual’s changing care needs.
As part of the Social Care Act 2008, it is our duty to provide and hold relevant notes on each service user. These notes include for example reports from Social Services; care plans, contract and any information thought relevant regarding medical history. Every service user has a right to see these files as set out under the Data Protection Act and can be accessed by Service Users via the Manager.
There is a 4-week trial period and it is at the first monthly assessment, provided the Service User is happy, that the placement can be made permanent.